In water the only part of the Electromagnetic Radiation that does’t get absorbed is the visible spectrum of light. If water was not transparent to light we wouldn’t be able to see because the human eye is made to perceive luminous stimuli.
Sight is the result of a complex process: first the image projected on the retina is upside down. Then it’s converted into nervous impulses, transmitted to the brain and elaborated by the visual cortex to be reconstructed and interpreted.
Reality’ perception depends on two factors: the objective one as described above and the subjective one as a consequence of past events, personality and imagination.
The interpretation of the world is a transposition: Brain adds, subtracts, reorganises, codifies sensorial information to give an interpretation that is as near as possible to the outside world and the perception we have of it follows fixed rules, like those theorised in the Gestalt Psychology at the beginning of the Twentieth Century. So the image is a brain’s interpretation.
Perception may be cheated by ambiguous situations and visual tricks: Anamorphous, Ames’ room, pluristable figures, Cornsweet illusion, Kanizsa triangle, impossible objects..
All phenomena that challenge the exactness of human perception.
Each image of the project represents one of these phenomena specifically described
Our visual system behaves like a filter: allows only a certain amount and type of information and no other, we see reality through a window: the visual system is our window to the world.
So is reality really like we see it and hear it?
How much our brain influences the way we perceive it?
What happens if we deceive it?